Who handle your data?

As the coordinating institution of the FOTOART-CM Program, the IMDEA ENERGY FOUNDATION is located in the Technology Park of Móstoles, Avda. Ramón de la Sagra, 3, 28935 Móstoles, Madrid, is the manager of the FOTOART Web. You can contact the Data Protection Officer or at: 91 737 11 20.

What rights do you have and where to execute them?

You can request the exercise of these rights through the means of contact indicated above by providing a copy of your identity card.

Right Contents
Access To consult your data, obtain confirmation on whether or not a treatment is being carried out.
Rectification To modify those that are incomplete or not accurate.
Abolition To request that they be deleted when they are not necessary, a law establishes it, withdraws its consent or opposes the treatment, among other reasons.
Opposition To request that they not be treated for reasons based on their personal circumstances, in which case once those reasons have been analysed they will no longer be treated.
Limitation of treatment In order to block the treatment while assessing whether the attention of other rights is appropriate, when it opposes its deletion, or whether they are preserved, although IMDEA ENERGY does not need to treat them, for the exercise or defense of their claims.
Portability To obtain in electronic format the personal data that you have provided to us and those that we have obtained during your relationship with the Foundation
Withdrawal of consent So that in future the processing of your data is not continued, which will not affect the processing carried out until that time.

You can also file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, if you consider that the processing of your data does not comply with the law.

More information about the treatment of your contact data for sending a message to our email.

What purpose? 

Only your contact details are required to be able to answer your request.

Why can you do it?

Your request determines the origin of a legitimate interest of IMDEA ENERGY to answer you, for which it is necessary to process your contact details.

Who else accesses your data?

Your data is not provided to third parties.

How long the data is kept?

Your data will be deleted once your request has been met, if it has not been derived from the same type of relationship or interest that determines its conservation.

More information on the processing of data of participants in events.

What purpose?

Manage your registration and participation in the event, as well as, in your case, the issuance of certificates and the capture of images of the event for its promotion, and inform you in the future of new events organized by IMDEA ENERGY as Coordinator of the FOTOART-ProgramCM or whose organization he participates in.

Why can you do it?

For the existence of a legitimate interest derived from your request to encourage your participation in the event. With your consent in the case of the capture of images or the sending of information on future events organized about the subjects under investigation by the Institute or related to the activities of the FOTOART-CM Program.

Who else accesses your data?

If you have agreed to appear in photographs taken during the event, your image could appear as a participant in the event on the FOTOART-CM website and on your social networks.

How long the data is kept?

The data related to your registration will be kept for a maximum of three years from its collection, your contact details will be kept as long as you do not revoke your consent to the sending of information, Images of events will become part of the photographic archive of the IMDEA ENERGY Institute, although you can oppose it at any time.